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Spiritual Satanism: For Those Who Are New

Unfortunately, the Christian Church has prevented much in the way of freedom of the press and free speech, especially for those of the left hand path over the years. Satanism is a major threat to many who wish to retain control and power as Satanism places this control and power in the hands of the common man/woman. Satanism has been deliberately suppressed and followers have been severely persecuted. Enemy religions have been free to promote their own lies and horror stories about Satanism to keep people away, using a lack of knowledge and fear. This has lead to much ignorance and confusion concerning Satanism and has had a most unfortunate effect on many who have had misunderstandings or no one to answer their questions when seeking the left hand path.

Satanism is a VERY spiritually intense religion. For those of you who were raised in Christian homes, or were atheists, this intensity of spirituality can be surprising or even come as a shock. Other religions are spiritually dead; in other words, nothing happens, and on the rare occasion something does, it is of a weak nature. Most right hand path religions are based upon stolen and false practices. As opposed to Christians who pray and keep praying with no answers, Satanists get blatant answers and I don't mean twenty years later!

Many of us have had similar experiences as Spiritual Satanists, but as we are all individuals, experiences will vary, and what one person may experience, another may not.

For those who are new, here are some of the things you can expect:

  • Strange and frequent coincidences, usually of a positive nature. 

  • Voices that may give you good advice or inform you of something you didn't know or something that will happen. 

  • Vivid dreams, especially if you have been studying a lot about Demons.Usually these dreams aren't negative, just vivid and intense.

Many things happening early on can be stimulating and exciting. Remember this is something new and can take some getting used to, as you are establishing strong, permanent spiritual relationships that will help you immeasurably.

Now, at some point, usually when you are feeling somewhat confident, Satan will more than likely show you what is wrong with your life. Satan knows everything about us and where we are headed by our actions, lack of initiative or whatever the case may be. If we are doing something that will have a detrimental effect on our lives down the road, he will let us know, BLATANTLY.

This can be bewildering and even downright frightening to some, especially with all the lies and false horror stories spread by the enemy for centuries. There is no cause for alarm. He is only getting onto you because he cares. Sometimes he will send a Demon to direct us, as he did with me and I am to this day, deeply grateful. The Demon might get strict or do whatever will get you to listen up and change.

NEVER WILL SATAN OR HIS DEMONS TELL YOU TO DO ANYTHING HARMFUL OR DETRIMENTAL TO YOURSELF OR OTHERS! These kinds of experiences come from Christian angels and other entities that have nothing to do with Satan or any of the Demons.

Always remain open. If you are having problems understanding something or are confused, you can ask Satan to help you and he will. Remember, ALWAYS show respect and reverence for Satan and our Demon friends and they will reward you with much wisdom and knowledge that outsiders will never have.

The so-called "supernatural," is a part of our daily lives as Satanists. This is something positive. Satan will reward you with a sense of spiritual and inner strength that will pull you through anything. Psychic gifts begin to open to us more and more, along with confidence and deep understanding.

In finishing, it is important to keep a strong positive attitude and don't listen to bullshit stories told by those who know nothing about Satan, or Satanism. Dark blessings and may your journey on the left-hand path be rich and rewarding.


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